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What is Scalar Energy?

Scalar energy is a subtle natural energy able to pass through solid objects in its path to imprint its signature or
frequencies on objects, such as natural nutritional products and water. It essentially then becomes a vibrational
remedy, imprinted with subtle energy patterns that promote wellness. Likewise, homeopathy also uses trace
signatures of various substances to support wellness.

The signal itself can take the place of a substance in initiating a biological response. Water and natural nutritional
products becomes the perfect carrier for health promoting frequencies. Water has the power to receive, store and
transfer vital energy. By consuming the BioScalar enhanced products, the body chooses and resonates with the
frequencies it needs to restore cellular balance and harmony.

What Have Scientists Discovered about Scalar Energy?


Scalar waves have always existed and were documented by Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein.


Einstein proposed the theory and proved mathematically that time and space are relative and scalar waves are nonlinear, non electromagnetic, and do not decay over time or distance.


Scientists have discovered that every molecule and cell in our body emits its own distinct frequency for
communication and our cells are in constant communication. Every cell vibrates like a little tuning fork. Health
begins at the cellular level and is a reflection of this vibrational frequency and amplitude.
The implications are profound since all life is energy, and every nerve impulse in the body is electrical. By giving
the body healthy bioenergy frequencies, it can respond in positive ways to promote wellness naturally thorough
subtle bioscalar wave energy signatures.

By consuming BioScalar enhanced natural health products or water, they become the carrier and the numerous
frequencies are immediately transferred to the body to enhance wellness and vitality.
Since scalar energy is in the quantum field, its properties are distinctly different than those of electro magnetism
which are governed by Newtonian and Hertzian principles.


Bioscalar energy can be used to imprint and encode harmonizing, healthy frequencies in water, nutritional products and unornate objects to provide numerous health benefits.  


What Are the Benefits of consuming BioScalar Enhanced Nutritional Products?

Since water has the capability to receive and transfer vital energy, by offering the body a buffet of energy
frequencies from which to choose, the optimum environment for wellness can be created.
The subtle trace signatures deliver the vibrational remedy to energetically support the body’s overall health and
wellness for maximum performance. The body will innately choose what it needs for specific effects and physical
functions, and it is completely natural with not a single substance added.


Nothing physically added to the  products...just BioEnergy, but it's like comparing a tricycle to a Ferrari!


What are the properties of Scalar Waves?

  • Their effect is independent of distance and time.

  • They exist in five-dimensional space/time, a dimension where there is no space or time.

  • They propagate at faster than light speed, except when being transmitted on electromagnetic carrier waves.

  • They transmit information not energy, and therefore can be encoded with frequencies.

  • Scalar information transmissions create "consciousness fields".

  • Conventional electronic instruments cannot detect them, but the body can.

  • They create a standing wave field and can imprint information on objects.

  • Thoughts are Scalar Waves.  (Your thoughts create and send conscious fields of information.)


How does Healthy Frequencies Enhanced BioScalar Waves Benefit the Body?

  • Neutralizes the stressful effects of cell phone radiation, EMF and all man-made frequencies.

  • Increases the energy covalent level of cellular structures to protect DNA.

  • Increases overall body energy levels.

  • Helps cleanse the blood to improve blood profile as seen on Dark Field / Phase Contrast Microscopes.

  • Shown to improve immune function, mental focus, and balances the two hemispheres of the brain.* (*As measured by EEG tests.)

Messages from Water,  Dr. Masaru Emoto

Dr. Masaru Emoto's Water Experiments

Dr. Lipton details the speed of energy vibrations

Resource List:

"The Field" by Lynee McTaggart

"Vibrational Medicine" by Richard Gerber, MD, PhD

"The Hidden Messages in Water" by Dr. Masura Emoto

"The True Power of Water" by Dr. Masura Emoto


Scientific Research - (Do Google Search to read articles)

1. Effect of Non-Hertzian Scalar Waves on the Immune System

Dr. Glen Rein, Stanford University Medical Center

2. Biological Interactions with Scalar Energy:  Cellular Mechanisms of Action

Dr. Glen Rein, Stanford University Medical Center

3. Biological Effects of Quantum Fields and Their Roles in the Natural Healing Process

Dr. Glen Rein, Quantum Biology Lab, Miller Place, NY 

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