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The concentrated ENERGIZED organic freeze dried whole leaf Aloe Vera extract is the only aloe vera supplement in the world that we know of that is ENERGIZED with Quantum Bio-scalar Energy!

In a single plant, Aloe Vera offers potent, natural ingredients that support the miracle of the body to regulate and balance itself -- Naturally!


Aloe has been studied and documented to assist with: 

  • Lowering Cholesterol

  • Easing Inflammation and soothe joint pain 

  • Improvement with digestive issues 

  • Reducing high blood pressure naturally

  • Stabilizing blood sugar and reduce triglycerides

  • Improving cardiovascular health and energy

  • Boosting immune; helping to stimulate, enhance and regulate


Encodes Quantum Bio-Energetic Frequencies in the Aloe Vera that greatly enhance its health rejuvenating abilities​!

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The Aloe vera plant has been known and used for centuries for its health, beauty, medicinal and skin care properties. The name Aloe vera derives from the Arabic word “Alloeh” meaning “shining bitter substance,” while “vera” in Latin means “true.” 2000 years ago, the Greek scientists regarded Aloe vera as the universal panacea. The Egyptians called Aloe “the plant of immortality.” Today, the Aloe vera plant has been used for various purposes in dermatology.

Aloe Vera Video & Audio Links

Aloe Vera - The Rediscovery Of It's Remarkable Healing Power


The Importance of Glyconutrients Seminar 2005 part 1

The Importance of Glyconutrients Seminar 2 with Dr. Reg McDaniels

Aloe Vera Natures Miracle

OutSide the Box       


Glyconutrients - Pass It On

Energize the water in your body... Just one touch per day!


Whenever you shower you will now be bathed in Spiritually Tuned Amplified Resonance Water. (STAR WATER) Testing suggests your Star Shell and water will hold this bioenergy indefinitely.

Your body can actually detect this powerful nutritional BioScalar energy over 20 feet away.

There is nothing on the planet like it ! It produces the world's most powerful nutritional energized water.

Star Shell

The Star Shell is a Divinely Inspired Spiritually Tuned BioEnergetic Device unlike anything on the planet.

This energy instantly balances your body's bioenergy field with healthy frequencies, just by touching it!

It has over one million frequencies encoded into it!

The Star Shell is a result of years of discoveries around a form of BioScalar Energy that can be used to enhance health and wellness.

Spiritually Tuned BioScalar Energy can be used to imprint and encode harmonizing vibrations in water.

This energy instantly balances your body’s bioenergy field with nutritional frequencies just by touching it, holding it or every time you shower or drink water energized by your Star Shell.

Water Holds Memory In 1999 scientists at the European Union Physics Lab in France proved that water transfers memory.

Do a YouTube search on Water Has Memory… and be amazed!

Based on the discoveries in Quantum Physics, scientists have shown that you can record the frequency of a molecule, play it to other molecules like water and the frequency signal itself can take the place of the original molecule in initiating biological processes. (The Field: The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe - by Lynne McTaggart)

With the Star Shell You can touch it to your drinking water, wear it, or carry it in your pocket or purse.

The simplest way to avoid losing or damaging it is to simply tape your Star Shell to your water faucet, water line or to the neck of your shower head… That way you can set it and forget it.

The BioScalar energy of your Star Shell is so powerful that it easily passes through the pipe and transfers the frequency information to the water.

The result is high energy harmonizing water that your body absorbs and will balance your body’s bioenergy field as you shower.

The beneficial effects last about 2½ days with each exposure. When used on a daily basis your new spiritually tuned multi-dimensional bioenergized water will continue to strengthen, support, balance and harmonize the nutritional bioenergetic needs of your body.

Take a sip every time you shower. You can drink all you want as you can’t drink too much spiritual energy.

Amazing results can be seen instantly and demonstrated using a patented magnetic diagnostic procedure.

Benefits of Energized Water:

• Energizes cells at molecular level.

• Detoxify, Rejuvenate and Hydrate cells at atomic level.

• Energizes our body to lower fatigue

• Creates and regenerates the "Chi" Life Force.

• The calming effects of resonance increases mental cognition.

• It reduces stress levels and assists in pain relief.

• Can Influence the body fluid, blood, lymph, cellular systems

• Increases Blood Oxygen level and nutrient absorption

• Blood is cleansed thus improving your immune system

Quantum Qube

Super Energized... Just place a small DNA of all your loved one's inside, close the box and the energy is attached to you wherever you go!

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The Quantum Qube utilizes the phenomenon of Quantum Entanglement combined with BioScalar Energy Technology.

Instructions: Simply put a sample of your DNA inside the Quantum Qube and close the lid.

The simplest way is to take a small piece of fingernail clipping or a piece of hair.

Your DNA is now in a multi-dimensional BioScalar Wave Energy Field. This is Quantum Entanglement, which remotely connects you, every cell and DNA in your body with this bioenergy field at an unlimited distance continuously.

Remarkable results can be seen and demonstrated immediately.

Your Quantum Qube remotely at a distance transfers over one million health and wellness frequencies to every cell in your body, using a subtle spiritually tuned multi-dimensional BioEnergy Scalar Wave.

In short, quantum entanglement is a Quantum Physics event that occurs when sub atomic particles interact together and are then forever linked in a way that the measurement of one particle's quantum state changes the quantum state of the other particles instantly, no matter how far apart.

For a more detailed explanation of "Quantum Entanglement"…. do a Google or YouTube search.

Water Holds Memory

Based on the discoveries in Quantum Physics, scientists have shown that you can record the frequency of a molecule, play it to other molecules like water and the frequency signal itself can take the place of the original molecule in initiating biological processes. (The Field:The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe - by Lynne McTaggart)

Our bodies are over 70% water and every cell lives in an environment of water. Change the environment and you change health.

BioScalar Energy can be used to imprint and encode harmonizing nutritional frequency vibrations in water.

This BioEnergy can be remotely transferred to you at a distance via Quantum Entanglement.

As long as a sample of your DNA is in your Quantum Qube the amplified bioenergy will continue to strengthen, support, balance and harmonize the nutritional bioenergetic needs of your body…remotely at a distance.

In addition it protects you from the hazards of electromagnetic frequencies (EMF’s) and cell phone radiation, from the inside out. Amazing results can be seen instantly and demonstrated using a patented magnetic diagnostic procedure.

It's simple you put DNA samples as many as you want and close the lid. Throw it in a drawer and forget about it and you are in the BioScalar Multi-Dimensional Energy Field...24/7 no matter where you are at... with enhanced mental powers!

Since its subtle energy there's no visible proof of anything happening. You don't feel anything...but it is having a healthy effect on your body internally.

You don't feel your organs when they are in balance or when they are out of balance... only when symptoms of illness show up do you notice something is not right.

They key is to keep the body in balance and this is what I've discovered this technology does... on a grand amplified scale!

What I've also discovered is that the technology protects the body from cell phone and emf radiation from the inside out since it energizes the body fluids.

Every cell is then bathed in this "bio-energized water." This can also be demonstrated.

The Quantum Qube can be used by more than one person. You can put several DNA samples in the Qube... as many as will fit and even animals.

Once the lid is closed any DNA samples in the Qube will be in the Scalar energy field.

* Suggestion:  Fingernail clipping or hair snipping.

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