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Energy Products

Divinely Inspired BioEnergetic Quantum Nutrition and Devices unlike anything on the planet.

Over 1,000,000 frequencies encoded into the products!


Everything on this planet, including animals, plants, and water are made of atoms which produce, emit, and receive energy which operates at a specific frequency. Everything – all our tissues, cells, organs, emotions and thought patterns – have their own unique electro-magnetic fields, as do allergens, viruses, bacteria and fungi.

Technology that makes a difference

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All life is energy.  Every nerve impulse in your body is an electric current.  Every cell in your body is a mini-battery pumping out 70-90 millivolts -- when healthy.

Our muscles are powered by chemical energy.  The steak and potatoes that you eat for dinner are really just fuel for the fire.  Eating is like throwing coal in a furnace.  Digestion is nothing more than a slow form of burning that produces energy for your body to live on.  In fact, death itself is defined as the absence of electrical activity in the brain.  In the end, all life is energy.

Optimize that energy and you optimize your health.

Energy is neither good nor bad; it just is.  The same electricity that is used by a chiropractor or physical therapist to stimulate your muscles and promote healing with TENS machine is the same electricity that is used in prisons to execute people in electric chairs.  So, is electricity good or bad?

The answer is neither.  It's just a question of what frequency and amplitude you use and how you use it.

Charge your body with the right frequencies and you prevent disease.

The same laser light that is used to shoot down enemy missiles or as a death ray in a movie is also your vision via Lasik surgery or by your plastic surgeon to remove facial hair and wrinkles.  Again, the difference is merely one of frequency and amplitude.

The proper use of energy in the healing arts has a long and significant history.  From the TENS machines and laser surgery that we've already mentioned to the use of sound waves to break up kidney stones, or X-rays and magnetic fields to see into the body to the use of light to clean the blood.

Some forms of energy are more effective than others.

As we will see, scalar energy is merely another application of healing energy.  It is the application of science as nature intended.  (Read Barron Report:

BioEnergy Scalar Wave will protect you from cell phone radiation EMF and even 5G frequencies!

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This video presents Scalar Energy (recorded in 2010 by another company)

These products are enhanced with quantum scalar energy utilizing a proprietary technology to encode healthy, harmonizing frequencies...  "Gifts to mankind"

Everything has a vibrational rate and frequency. 

There are specific frequencies for wellness and illness. 

In short, quantum entanglement is a Quantum Physics even that occurs when sub atomic particles interact together and are then FOREVER linked in a way that the measurement of one particles quantum state changes the quantum state of the other particles instantly!

Entanglement occurs when a pair of particles, such as photons, interact physicallyClick here

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Water Holds Memory

In 1999, scientists at the European Union Physics Lab in France provided that water transfers memory. 


Based on the discoveries in Quantum Physics, scientists have shown that you can record the frequency of a molecule, play it o other molecules like water and the frequency signal itself can take the place of the original molecule in initiating biological processes.  (The Field:  The Quest for the Secret Force of the Universe - by Lynne McTaggart)   Click here to read a sample of the book

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Bruce H. Lipton, PhD is an internationally recognized leader in bridging science and spirit. Stem cell biologist, bestselling author of The Biology of Belief and recipient of the 2009 Goi Peace Award, he has been a guest speaker on hundreds of TV and radio shows, as well as keynote presenter for national and international conferences.  Click here
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