Groundbreaking Science Anti-Aging Pendant SLOWS DOWN AGING AND MORE... $125 retail/$100 distr.

Telomeres Determine Our LifeSpan

More than just a piece of jewelry, this pendant is made of brass with volcanic dust and beeswax to ignite your life.
The pendant was thoughtfully designed to promote comfort in the presence of everyday electronic devices like smartphones, tablets, computers, and other household appliances.
This unique pendant features advanced ionic technology, designed to inspire a sense of balance and provide daily peace of mind.Simply wear it around your neck and feel the difference.
The TERRA ACTIVITY pendant uses advanced ion technology. The crystals in the pendant contain up to 2,000 negative ions. Be inspired by external balance.
These pendants are crafted to release negative ions, which are believed to encourage a sense of balance. They are thoughtfully designed to give you some extra “zip” in your step. You will glow with energetic radiance .


Telomere repeat-containing RNA (TERRA)... read more NIH
Telomerase activity is required for the telomere... read more Nature
TbTRF suppresses the TERRA Level and regulates the cell cycle... read more OUCI
The pendant is created on the basis of advanced technology of using IONS. Crystals of TERRRA ACTIVITY pendant, containing up to 2000 negative IONS, allow the environment to create an electric field and produce a microcurrent of 0.06 mA. This energy supports the body’s biofield, improves cellular metabolism and is called scalar energy.
The scalar energy of the TERRA ACTIVITY pendant acts externally and internally.
Externally- it strengthens the body biofield.
Internally- it promotes cell permeability and thus improves many physiological functions of the body, saturates the body with oxygen, promotes positive energy flow.
Energizes you with energy you need for an active and productive day
IONS help balance your emotional state, reducing stress and everyday anxiety
Improves mental concentration, as evidenced by an increase in the amplitude of EEG frequencies
TERRA ACTIVITY promotes a good mood, as it reduces the uptake of norepinephrine by PC 12 nerve cells
Helps to slowdown the aging process.
Made from a lava based compound and embedded with alpha and theta energy, Scalar Energy Pendants can last for a minimum of 50 years with very little maintenance. It’s as simple as laying your pendant in the full sun for 3-4 hours twice a year. Volcanic ash is rich in minerals and is an antioxidant and antibacterial. Volcanic ash is similar to fine sand (silicon) and is Mother Nature's natural skin purifier. Volcanic ash is normally rich in nutrients which act as natural fertilizers for the plants in the area, such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus and sulphur. These elements are all macronutrients essential for plant growth and survival.
Scalar energy works by eliminating negative, man-made frequencies from cell phones, computers, WIFI and other electrical equipment. It does so without disrupting the function of the equipment in use.
SOME OF THE HEALTH BENEFITS you may notice when you are wearing the pendant
Calms the mind
Heightened alternes
Alleviates sore muscles, aches, & pains
Energizes the blood cells
Facilitates oxygen to the cells
Lifts depression
Stimulates immune system
The Scalar pendant is also protective when going through scanners at the airport and through security systems at stores. The energy this little pendant puts off is equal to standing by a waterfall, and the longer you use the pendant, the more benefits you will notice.
Negative IONS are electrically charged molecules that can have positive effects on human health and well being. Once they reach our bloodstream, negative ions are believed to produce biochemical reactions that increase levels of the mood, chemical serotonin, helping to alleviate depression, relieve stress, and boost energy
TERRA is a long noncoding RNA (IncRNA) that regulates telomerase activity at telomeres. It’s involved in a number of processes. Terra has been shown to be involve in heterochromatin formation at telomeres, to invade telomeric dsDNA and from R-loops, and even to promote telomerase recruitment at short telomeres. (Nations Institute of health)
Schumann resonances are a series of electromagnetic frequencies that occur between the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. The Schumann Resonance has a direct impact on our mood. When humans tune into the 7.83Hz frequence, they experience numerous benefits such as enhance memory and learning, improved stress tolerance, emotional balance and grounding.
Scalar energy is often regarded as the untapped force of the universe. Unlike convention forms of energy, scalar energy is believed to exist beyond the confines of the electromagnetic fields, operating at a frequency that goes unnoticed by traditional measurement tools. A type of alternative medicine that uses minerals and volcanic materials. Exposure to scalar energy field’s, promote a sense of balance and harmony within the body, playing a key role in neutralizing harmful electromagnetic frequencies, providing a shield against the modern world’s electronic smog

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Each pendant comes with certification of authenticity and is numbered! This first batch is only available if you are an existing affiliate/customer OR I am happy to order one for you at retail and you will need to pay for shipping from my home to yours. Get signed up NOW for just $25 so you can be one of the first to get this awesome pendant! My referrer's results have been nothing short of amazing! NEW!!! TELOMERE CELLULAR HEALTH NUTRITION PRODUCT JUST RELEASED! L@@K AT THE INGREDIENTS!

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